© WWF-Philippines / Janine Peralta
WWF-Philippines works to ensure the sustainable production of food for all Filipinos. Food is vital to all life, but the severe effects of climate change increasingly threaten it. Drought, severe typhoons, and flooding are a few calamities that are expected to become more frequent because of global warming. Filipino farmers and fishers, already among the poorest in the country, face greater risks in growing food for the population.
What we are doing

WWF-Philippines spearheads local solutions to help Filipinos produce more with less. Find out more about our programs and join our efforts to secure food sources of the future, today.

© WWF-Philippines / David David

Sustainable Tuna

The Sustainable Tuna Program balances sustainable fishing with economic empowerment by supporting fisherfolk in improving fishing operations and working towards financial stability. WWF-Philippines assists communities to build their savings through the Group Savings and Loans Committees and also provides Catch to Cash incentives. The program opened more opportunities by developing alternative sources of livelihood.


© WWF-Philippines / Janine Peralta

Sustainable Food Systems

The sustainable food systems project advocates for food security by educating farmers and households on vertical and compact farming, sustainable rice farming, and financial stability through savings programs. The food shed farming enterprise empowers youth and community members through the installation of food sheds while the GRAINS Project aims to address local food security and livelihood of rice-producing communities.

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