Environmental Assessment Consultant

Duration: May 2024 to August 15, 2024 
Activity: Conducting Environmental Baseline Site Assessment of Amogues  Fisherfolk Association in Sitio Amogues, Barangay Calawag, Taytay, Palawan
Project Location: Taytay, Palawan, Philippines 


The Philippines is in the Coral Triangle, home of the most diverse coral reefs in the world.  Considering that the entire country sits within the Triangle, the province of Palawan is considered an ecological hotspot. The island’s coral reefs and mangrove forests comprise 42% and 36%, respectively, of the total Philippine population. Its fisheries generate twice the yield of land-based agriculture at Php1.2B (USD27 million) a year. Among 81 provinces in the Philippines, Palawan is the highest producer of national fishery overall at 551,641 MT or 12% of the total fishery, with a production value twice that of the next province in rank. It has high rankings in various categories and sectors.  For example, in 2019, it was one of the top 10 richest provinces in the country per CEO bWorld; it has the biggest fishing area and the biggest Marine Protected Area, #1 in annual average fishery production, #1 in annual average aquaculture production, #1 in seaweed production, biggest offshore natural gas reserve, among others. However, per the National Competitiveness Council of the Philippines (NCCP), Palawan ranked 72nd out of 76 provinces in 2019 in terms of overall competitiveness, which comprised economic dynamism, infrastructure, and government efficiency and resiliency. Despite its richness in natural resources, it is the 12th poorest province, an irony for its almost 800,000 inhabitants.  

WWF has been working in Palawan since 1991, providing technical assistance in establishing several protected areas, most notably the Tubbataha Reefs, a world-renowned dive site, a  UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS), and touted as the best-managed Marine Protected Area  (MPA) in the country. What began with a USD2,000 research grant for the Live Reef Fish Food  Trade (LRFFT) paved the way for a USD3 million program under the Coral Triangle Initiative on  Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF). This program, however, ended in 2013, and WWF Philippines continues to build on its successes and pursue its work on MPAs and fisheries. 

To further institutionalize the management of coastal and fishery management, another initiative entitled “Marine Protected Areas for Improved Fisheries in Palawan, Philippines, implemented between May 2016 and June 2019. The long-term goal of the project is to secure livelihoods and food security in Palawan, Philippines, through an effectively managed network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) that support the Reef Food Fish (RFF) industry. Also, the Conservation of Marine  Protected Area Network was implemented between June 2020 and August 2023, covering the  Northeastern Cluster 5 MPAs. It holds that the Northeast Palawan MPA Network habitats are protected while supporting people's livelihoods and food security. The project also aims to contribute to two ACAIs of the Oceans Practice 1. Resilient Coastal Habitats- by setting up an enforcement mechanism in the MPA Network within one million hectares of co-managed marine area. 2. Working with Coastal Communities to Secure their Ocean Futures by effective local MPA management of spawning sites. 

Sustainable Seaweed Project 

In 2023, WWF-Philippines was selected by the Nature-based Solutions Accelerator, an initiative of WWF-UK, WRI and HSBC, to lead a project on sustainable seaweed production in the marine protected areas of Taytay, Palawan. The project is geared towards achieving environmentally sound ecosystems, attaining food security, and improving the economic conditions of coastal communities. It aims to be a viable nature-based solution that does not only provide conservation efforts but also boosts the seaweed farms towards investment readiness with a primary focus on the establishment of a seaweed nursery and the formulation of a feasibility and business plan for raw dried seaweeds, which in the long run will attract investors and generate higher income.  

This project will be implemented in the existing NEP-MPAN project, which is piloted in the municipality of Taytay, Palawan, and the primary beneficiary of this project is the Amogues Fisherfolk Association, an existing and established People’s Organization (PO). This is also a great opportunity for the municipality of Taytay, as it is seen to be a viable nature-based solution that not only provides conservation efforts but also as an enterprise that can attract investors and generate income for seaweed farmers.  

The project is aligned with the Philippines' national seaweed roadmap. The expected outcome includes improved planning for seaweed production, which will result in an increase in seaweed production by 2% annually for 5 consecutive years (2022-2026), a decrease in the poverty incidence of coastal communities, and zero net loss in marine habitats.  

Seaweed Production and Environmental Assessment 

WWF-Philippines is seeking an environmental assessment consultant to provide technical expertise and insight for this project. The project needs to understand the feasibility and potential for sustainable seaweed and factors affecting the seaweed growers in Taytay, focusing in particular on the Amogues Fisherfolk. The scope of work below lays out the specific tasks the consultant would be required to complete. 


Environmental assessment of Amogues Fisherfolk Association including the specific  environmental issues or concerns to be addressed. 

  1. Define the geographic scope of the assessment, including the boundaries of the study area. 
    1. Provide an overview of the environmental setting, including natural resources,  ecosystems, land use, and socio-economic conditions. 
    2. Describe the approach to identifying, evaluating, and mitigating potential environmental impacts. 
    3. Specify any models, maps, or software for the assessment process. 
  2. Environmental Baseline Assessment: 
    1. Conduct a thorough assessment of baseline environmental conditions within the study area. 
    2. Evaluate key environmental parameters such as air quality, water resources,  biodiversity, habitats, and cultural resources. 
  3. Impact Assessment: 
    1. Identify and analyze potential environmental impacts associated with the seaweed project. 
    2. Assess direct and indirect impacts on natural resources, ecosystems,  human health, and socio-economic factors. 
    3. Consider short-term and long-term effects, as well as growing impacts in aggregation with other activities in the area. 
  4. Mitigation Measures and Alternatives Analysis: 
    1. Develop strategies to mitigate or minimize adverse environmental impacts identified during the assessment. 
    2. Evaluate alternative project designs, technologies, or locations to reduce environmental risks and optimize sustainability. 
    3. Recommend feasible mitigation measures and alternatives for project stakeholders to consider. 
  5. Community meetings and consultation: 
    1. Describe the process for engaging with stakeholders, including public meetings, consultations, and information sessions. 
    2. Document stakeholder concerns, comments, and feedback received during the assessment process. 
    3. Explain how stakeholder input will be considered in decision-making. 


  1. Provides analysis and assessment of various environmental factors affecting seaweed farming.  
  2. Provides an evaluation of potential environmental effects and proposed mitigation measures. 
  3. Outlines specific measures to minimize, mitigate, or offset potential environmental impacts identified in the assessment. 
  4. Environmental Assessment Report.
  5. The draft and final report findings will be presented to the project team, and the results will be validated by the Amogues Fisherfolk Association.
  6. All documentation, records review, and photos will be included in the submission to WWF-Philippines.


Schedule of tranches Condition of Release
30% of the project cost Contract signed by the parties
40% of the project cost After conducting field activities and submitting activity updates
30% of the project cost Upon presentation and submission of reports


KKP shall provide transportation, meals and accommodation for the Consultant’s Team during travel/field activity. 


The opportunity is open to consulting firms and organizations with available experts with technical experience in nature-based solutions, socio-economic and ecological baselining, seaweed production, environmental assessment policy, and stakeholder engagement. 

Minimum Eligibility Requirements: 

  1. Commercial Eligibility Requirements 
    1. SEC Registration or equivalent legal document 
    2. BIR Registration 
    3. Valid Business Permit 
    4. Overview of average annual revenue for the last three financial years (2020-2022) e. Average number of employees for the last three years (2020-2022) 
  2. Technical Eligibility Requirements 
    1. Competencies 
      1. Relevant experience in seaweed production, supply chains, and sustainability. 
      2. Relevant experience in developing and writing feasibility studies,  environmental impact assessment and baseline studies, and stakeholder consultations. 
      3. Good knowledge of theoretical business concepts and models for seaweed production.
      4. Research and analytical skills, including data gathering and analyzing information using both qualitative and quantitative methods.  
      5. Ability to establish rapport and work in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.  
      6. Excellent communication skills, including the ability to write clearly and concisely and to communicate effectively.  
    2. Qualifications and Experience  
      1. Demonstrated previous experience in conducting feasibility studies,  ii. environmental impact assessment and baseline studies, and stakeholder consultations and report writing. 
      2. Experience working with NGO clients. 
      3. Updated Company / Organization Profile with years of experience and description  of services offered 
      4. List of clients from various organizations 
      5. List of all ongoing and completed contracts related to engagement 
        1. Name and location of project 
        2. Client organization 
        3. Type of consultancy services rendered, with date of engagement/contract 


Interested firms/organizations must submit their Letter of Expression of Interest and the minimum eligibility requirements to apply@wwf.org.ph on or before April 29, 2024, with the following email subject: EOI and Eligibility Documents – Environmental Assessment Consultant.