Consultant for Endline Review for the Program “An Ocean of Possibilities” (WWF Norway)

WWF is seeking a consultancy firm/consultant to produce an endline review of the programme “An Ocean of Possibilities”, which aims to reduce plastic pollution into nature by 30% in nine selected South-East Asian cities by 2025.


The programme An Ocean of Possibilities runs from 2021-2025. The funding comes from the annual TV fundraiser “TV-Aksjonen” conducted by the Norwegian National Broadcasting Agency (NRK), totalling approximately NOK 240 million, where approximately NOK 200 million has been allocated to four WWF country offices in Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam as well as an additional external partner operating in Thailand. NOK 50 million of the project funds were donated by the Norwegian government and were granted through the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). 

The programme is designed to contribute to the overall strategic plastic pollution work of WWF, which is divided into three pillars: advocate for policy to manage plastic pollution, build business engagement in reducing plastic pollution, and Plastic Smart Cities, where cities work to reduce their plastic pollution. An Ocean of Possibilities supports nine cities in Southeast Asia to become “Plastic Smart Cities”. Southeast Asia is the region where most plastic leaks into nature each year. Poor waste management in cities is a key source of plastic pollution in the ocean. 

The cities covered by the programme are: Bogor, Depok and Jakarta in Indonesia; Manila City in the Philippines; Hat Yai, Koh Samui, Songkla and Surat Thani in Thailand; and Hue in Vietnam. 

The overall aim of the programme, and for WWF’s pillar Plastic Smart Cities, is to reduce plastic leakage into nature by 30% by 2025 in the target cities. This is done by focusing on four key components: ensuring political buy-in from the municipalities, reducing the use of plastic products, improving collection rates of waste, as well as improving recycling. End-of-life treatment issues such as landfill management play a minor role in the programme. Documenting good practices and learning, and identifying opportunities for scaling and replication, is also considered an important goal for the programme, as well as the Plastic Smart Cities pillar. 

The programme has been split in two parts: an inception phase (2021-2022) and an implementation phase (2022-2025). The prior was used to conduct baseline studies, secure political support, build plastic and solid waste management knowledge in the WWF project teams and develop clear result frameworks, action plans and budgets. The implementation phase was initially intended to conclude by the end of 2024 but has been extended until the end of 2025 for the projects in Vietnam and Indonesia, and until March/April 2025 for Thailand and the Philippines. A mid-term review (MTR) of the programme was conducted in 2023. 


WWF will conduct an endline review of the implementation of An Ocean of Possibilities to ensure deeper learning and analysis of the Programme’s implementation and achievements. The key users of the evaluation will be WWF offices and the global No Plastic in Nature team in WWF. The report will also be shared with Norad and NRK. The main objective of the evaluation is to provide WWF with an independent assessment of to what extent the objectives of the programme as defined by the overall programmatic results framework have been achieved, as well as contributions towards the impact goal of 30% plastic leakage reduction. The review should also gather lessons learned from programme implementation, and provide a renewed assessment of programme design, following the MTR and efforts to implement recommendations from this.

The review will be used to inform the broader strategic plastic work of WWF on Plastic Smart Cities and input to WWF-Norway’s strategic thinking on future plastic-focused fundraising and programming. Lessons learned may also benefit Norad’s continued efforts to combat marine plastic litter as well as other Norwegian funding streams towards circular economy solutions or investments into specific components of plastic value chains. 

The specific objectives of the endline review also include:

  • Assess whether funds have been used effectively and efficiently to deliver outputs and results; 
  • Triangulate and assess data on outcomes, and impact achievements towards the 30% reduction target, across the programme portfolio; 
  • Draw key lessons learned and good practices for project implementation, including thorough analysis of relevant Plastic Smart Cities learning case studies; 
  • Assess the added value of WWF-Norway’s management of the programme, including the relevance and adequacy of various technical support provided to the country offices; 
  • Assess whether findings are generalizable and whether successful approaches are scalable or replicable, to other contexts; 
  • Recommend strategies to improve performance for similar programmes in the future, including on aspects related to stakeholder inclusion and ownership, and sustainability of interventions. 


The review will be guided by the OECD DAC criteria for the Evaluation of Development Assistance which provide a normative framework used to determine the merit or worth of an intervention (policy, strategy, programme, project or activity).

To achieve the above objectives, the endline review of An Ocean of Possibilities is to address the following: 

  • Analysis of existing WWF country project endline assessments and evaluation of programmatic results achievements against set objectives at outcome and impact level;  
  • Assessment of cost-effectiveness and efficiency of the project implementation at both overall programmatic and country level;  
  • Analyse and evaluate reasons for success and shortfalls in project activities and their implementation; 
  • Specific analysis of results of projects identified through a separate call for scalable solutions and assessments of efforts to increase impact through these partnerships; 
  • Review the likelihood of key stakeholders and partners to sustain the project results after project ends.


The methodology used will compare actual results against targets and will be based on the findings and factual statements identified from review of relevant documents i.e. project proposal, results framework, narrative project description, baseline studies, Technical Progress Reports (TPR), Financial Reports (FR), impact/endline assessments for each country project, results inputs to the Plastic Smart Cities monitoring platform, collated lessons learned, and other documents and reports reviewed and produced by the project, as well as site visits to countries of implementation and interviews and discussions with key stakeholders. Participation of stakeholders in the review should be maintained at all times, reflecting opinions, expectations and vision about the contribution of the project towards the achievement of its objectives. 


The consultant shall provide WWF-Norway with the following for the endline review of An Ocean of  Possibilities: 

  1. A brief inception report highlighting the key questions, methodology, timeline, and  stakeholder engagement plan; 
  2. Draft reports for the Philippines and Thailand in line with the timeline in point 8;
  3. Draft endline review as per the report template provided by WWF, for review by programme  stakeholders; 
  4. A final endline review (main text excluding summary and annexes not to exceed 25 pages) as  per the report template provided by WWF; 
  5. Presentation of the main findings and recommendations to WWF through online meeting(s).  


Qualifications & experience include:  

  • Degree in social sciences, environmental sciences, waste management or similar
  • Proficient in and experience with project design, monitoring and evaluation, and conducting research projects 
  • Excellent communication skills in English. Other regional languages are an asset
  • 5 years of experience in relevant field
  • Good knowledge of solid waste management issues, including plastic waste and pollution in low and middle-income countries 
  • Familiarity with the waste management assessment methodologies Waste Wise Cities Tool (WaCT) and Waste Flow Diagram (WFD) will be considered an asset 
  • Computer literate (Microsoft: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, other data analysis software literacy is considered an asset) 
  • Documentable experience from similar reviews or evaluations/assessments, including recommendations for improvement 
  • Good knowledge of at least two of the programme countries: Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam 


The consultant should work towards the timely submission of the reports. The consultant will be contracted by WWF-Norway. The WWF country offices shall arrange all necessary site visits and meetings in the project sites for the consultant according to the ToR, including transportation logistics during the mission. Flight and hotel bookings should be organised by the consultant and costs for this is to be included as part of the bid. 


The review will be carried out through two distinctive periods, first in February-April 2025, collating and assessing data and conducting primary data collection including site visits and interviews relevant to the projects in the Philippines and Thailand, and subsequently in September-November 2025 for projects in Indonesia and Vietnam. The reason for the two-pronged approach is the differing end dates of the projects in the four countries. 

The total duration will be 35 working days with the following breakdown: 

  • 5 working days for reading relevant documents upon receipt from WWF and preparing inception report; 
  • Up to 20 working days in the field (field trips to all four countries); 
  • 10 working days at home base for finalizing the report after receiving comments from WWF, and for presentation of report and recommendations to WWF Norway and individual country offices. 
  • Please see the suggested timeline below, with workstreams and deliverables split over two distinct time periods. 
  Jan Feb Mar Apr Aug Sep Oct Nov
Contract signing and kick-off X              
Desk study X              
Inception report   Feb 15            
Preparations for in-country meetings   X            
Field visit TH, PH     X          
Draft country reports TH, PH       Apr 1        
Consolidated feedback from WWF       Apr 15        
Final country report PH, TH       Apr 25        
Presentation of country reports       Apr 30        
Preparations field visits ID, VN         X      
Field visit ID, VN           X    
Draft full report             Oct 15  
Consolidated feedback from WWF             Oct 30  
Final report               Nov 15
Presentation of final report               Nov 30


Interested candidates should send their application including resumé and application letter including proposed methodology, suggested cost breakdown not exceeding NOK 600 000, links to previous similar work, and 2-3 references to, with Andreas Røise Myhrvold ( in cc, by December 4th, 2024.